• Imagen 1 6 Typical Festival in Indonesia
    One of the largest annual celebration of art and culture in Indonesia, Bali Arts Festival is always packed

Tamasya di Papua Nugini

Papua Nugini, sebuah negara unik yang terletak di samudera Pasifik dan tetap terjaga keasliannya berkat rendahnya tingkat perkembangan perkotaan (hanya 18% dari populasi hidup di pusat-pusat perkotaan). Selain memiliki nama yang unik, Papua Nugini juga punya 850 bahasa asli, dan (dipercaya) sejumlah spesies tanaman dan satwa yang belum diketahui!

Negara ini sebagian besar belum terjamah, bahkan semenjak kemerdekaannya dari Australia pada 1975. Bagaimanapun juga, beberapa turis yang berhasil sampai ke pantai-pantainya akan merasa perjalanan mereka tidak sia-sia.

Papua Market. Photo credits - Paul in Uijeongbu and Kahunapulej.

Pusat Belanja

Pengalaman yang menarik di Papua Nugini adalah berjalan-jalan di kios pasar. Kebanyakan barang yang diperjualbelikan adalah barang asli dan buatan sendiri. Anda akan menemukan tanda mata asli Papua Nugini seperti: bilum – tas yang terbuat dari serat tanaman, keranjang Bouganville – dipandang sebagai salah satu keranjang dan wadah terbaik di Pasifik, atau sebuah topeng – mungkin tidak dapat dipakai, tetapi mengasyikan! Hati-hati apabila seseorang menawarkan Anda ”artefak kuno” – apa pun yang dibuat sebelum 1960 dilarang untuk diekspor demi menjaga warisan budaya negara.

Underwater beauties. Photo credits - Boogies with Fish

Olahraga Air

Scuba diving cukup terkenal di Papua Nugini dan banyak tempat penyelaman yang memiliki potensi tak terbatas. Struktur geografisnya menyebabkan lempeng dasar laut jatuh secara drastis dari pinggir pantainya – tetapi limpahan puing-puing bekas Perang Dunia II menambah keistimewaan menyelam di sini. Untuk menyelam di antara puing-puing, pergilah ke Kavieng, Loloata, atau Madang. Jika Anda ingin melihat gugusan karang spektakuler, pergilah ke Eastern Fields, sekitar 200km dari Port Moresby ke arah pantai Australia.

Kokoda Trail. Photo credits - Solo Roamer


Struktur tanah pulau yang tidak rata membuat Papua Nugini tempat yang sempurna untuk pendaki serius. Untuk sedikit sejarah dan pemandangan yang fantastis, pergilah ke jalur Kokoda, rute sepanjang 60 mil melewati puncak Owen Stanley Range. Penyuka sejarah akan mengetahui situs ini sebagai medan perang Perang Dunia II, titik bertemunya Jepang dan Australia.

Jika Anda mencari ketinggian, pergilah ke puncak: puncak Wilhelm adalah titik tertinggi di pulau ini, tempat berpemandangan indah dan cukup bisa dijangkau, tergantung pada tingkat kebugaran anda. Berangkatlah pagi-pagi agar tiba saat fajar untuk kesempatan
terbaik melihat pemandangan indah.

Ke manapun Anda pergi, waspadalah akan kondisi cuaca: malamnya cukup dingin dan siang harinya lembab dan panas. Ada juga risiko malaria dan sering terjadi banjir pada dataran rendah saat musim hujan. Keluarlah dengan perlengkapan dan pengetahuan cukup.

Beautiful Papua sunset. Photo credits - Boogies with Fish

Jika Ke Sana

Cara paling praktis ke Papua Nugini adalah lewat udara, terdapat maskapai penerbangan Air Niugini (kerjasama dengan Qantas) dan maskapai Papua Nugini.
Sebagian besar pengunjung memerlukan visa wisatawan; izin 60 hari dapat didapat di bandara, Port Moresby, saat kedatangan. Sama dengan negara-negara Oceania lainnya, pastikan Anda membawa seluruh dokumen perjalanan yang mencantumkan rencana kepulangan anda.

Sejumlah festival terbuka untuk wisatawan, seperti Festival Kopi di bulan Mei, Festival Topeng Nasional di bulan Juli dan festival Hiri Morale di bulan September.

Terdapat laporan akan kekerasan dan kejahatan di beberapa tempat di Papua Nugini. Tingkat penyebaran HIV/AIDS cukup tinggi di beberapa wilayah tersebut. Waspada dalam perjalanan – saya sarankan untuk meminta nasehat dari agen perjalanan yang berpengalaman sebelum memesan perjalanan. Wisatawan wanita tidak disarankan untuk bepergian sendirian.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, lihat situs resmi Turisme Papua Nugini.

Indahnya panorama alam di "Rindu Alam"

Singkawang menyimpan berbagai panorama alam, mulai dari keindahan pantai, sejuknya pegunungan yang dihiasi air terjun, akan tetapi memang belum pas rasanya jika kita tidak menginjakan kaki untuk menikmati ELOK NEGERI KHATULISTIWA kesebuah taman rekreasi dibukit "rindu alam". Tempat rekreasi ini tentu saja menyenangkan karena banyak menyimpan keindahan alam perpaduan antara gunung, tatanan kota dan indahnya laut menjadikan tempat yang satu ini memberikan panorama yang bernilai lebih.

Untuk masuk ke daerah ini, kita hanya dikenakan biaya karcis sebesar 15 - 20 ribu rupiah perorangnya, bisa juga menggunakan alat transportasi yang telah disediakan oleh panitia seperti carter mobil rekreasi dengan merogoh kocek 50 ribuan anda telah bisa menikmati perjalanan kepuncak keindahan.

Pengunjuang yang datang kebanyakan dari luar Kota Singkawang baik itu dari pontianak, sambas, pemangkat, kapuas hulu. Tempat ini biasanya dipadati pengunjung saat liburan tiba, saat lebaran misalnya pengunjung yang berdatangan cukup tinggi angkanya sehingga membuat perjalanan sedikit macet, pengunjung yang berdatangan mulai dari H+2 hingga H+4 selain itu diwaktu liburan tiba para pendatang baik dari Masyarakat kota Singkawang maupun dari luar daerah.

Untuk menikmati keindahan "Rindu Alam" rencanakan waktu anda untuk berkunjung dan menikmati dinginnya awan dipagi hari dan di sore hari, anda akan merasakan berada diatas awan dingin jika berkunjung pagi hari dan sore hari saat pergantian hari.

Doc. Fadlie

6 Typical Festival in Indonesia

Indonesia is often referred to as the sleeping giant of Southeast Asia, and the epithet was indeed appropriate. With more than 18 thousand islands, this archipelago has a remarkable diversity of what you can see or do while on vacation there.

Modernization brings a wide range of development (some say excessive development) to Jakarta, while the Bali tourism back to life after being destroyed when a bomb blast 2002. There are also mountains such as Borobudur Bromo and the mystical to search various types of attractions, as well as the 6000 inhabited islands.

Not surprisingly, Indonesia offers the festival a very distinctive feature of their culture, reflecting the ethnic diversity and traditions from various parts of the archipelago. You will find that diversity in these six uniquely Indonesian festival, ranging from the celebration of art, batik, dance and ceremony. If possible, you can witness one of the festival during his visit to Indonesia!

Krakatau Festival
Krakatau Festival is an annual festival held in Lampung, was held to celebrate the volcanic island of the same name, Krakatoa. Mount Krakatoa erupted in 1927, the eruption was then produce a new small islands, named Anak Krakatau.

During the festival, visitors can enjoy variety shows like Carnival Tuping (Carnival Mask Lampung), elephant and various dances from Lampund and surrounding cities. End of series of events is a visit to the volcanic island, was still active but was sleeping soundly. For a while!

Bali Arts Festival
One of the largest annual celebration of art and culture in Indonesia, Bali Arts Festival is always packed. During the month, various art performances, exhibitions, and other cultural activities will take place in Bali, offering dance, music and beauty of their culture.

Celebrations famous attractions such as traditional dances that have been almost forgotten, traces of the remote areas of Bali, food, handicrafts, as well as new creations from dance schools in Denpasar and contemporary choreography of national and international artists.

Solo Batik Carnival
Since time immemorial, batik tradition has always had very strong roots in Solo. Kotadi Central Java has made it even batik as an icon and identity, an accurate picture of a city famous for its beauty and subtlety of his kingdom
behavior. Solo Batik Carnival was held to reinforce that tradition, and to promote batik on national and international scale.

This event is a combination of ceremonies, fashion shows and carnivals, all using batik as a theme. There will also bazaar that offers a variety of unique batik and souvenir Solo.

Solo International Ethnic Music Festival
One of the latest festival of Solo is the Solo International Ethnic Music (Siem) Festival, which focuses on performances and celebration of ethnic music. This event is a unique platform for collaboration between modern and ethnic music, local artists and

The long list of performers including artists Minangkabau, Riau, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Papua, Kalimantan, and even foreign artists from Japan, Australia, India, New Zealand and many others.

Gerebeg Mulud
In the Java language, meaning gerebeg Mulud crowd and is one calendar month name in Java. The celebration, also known as Sekaten, to celebrate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. The procession lasted all day and 'featuring' two gamelan performances which paraded toward the grand mosque.

In the evening there will be a market in the northern city to add a festive city, the perfect place to try different foods Java and Yogyakarta as well as to hunt for souvenirs.

Baliem Festival
Papua typical festival has its roots in the beliefs of local tribes that the war not only conflict keuasaan and interests, but also a symbol of fertility and prosperity. Since 20 years ago, local governments have stressed the importance of peace between the tribes who fought to prevent retaliation and prolonged loss of life. So Baliem Festival is an event that was held to replace the war between the tribe. *fadlie.com*

As you may have guessed, the main event is a war between tribes. Imagine more than 20 different tribes each with 30 to 50 people wearing traditional clothing, carrying spears, bows, arrows and machetes! There are also performances and a host of other attractions, such as local traditional games, dances, as well as local cuisine.

6 Typical Festival in Indonesia
Source: http://id-tourism.blogspot.com/

Beautiful Sea in Indonesia

More than 5 million square meters in waters around the Indonesian archipelago. No doubt, Indonesia became a shelter for hundreds or even thousands of species of underwater creatures and coral clusters are beautiful and colorful. Surely this country offers many dive sites which is a dream for most divers.

Due to the often volatile political situation and a warning to tourists who are usually too much, you'll rarely find this country in the list of most tourists travel. Fortunately for tourists who are brave and adventurous, this means fewer tourists and more peace, so you better be able to enjoy the beauty as you like. Here is a list of eight stunning dive sites in Indonesia.

Photo credits - jensen_chua & Roro Fernandez

Bintan Island, Riau
Maybe this is the island's most easily reached from outside Indonesia, where the diving is only one hour from the noise of Singapore. The island has white sandy beaches stretch along the 18 km with a rich marine life, and a variety of dive sites for you to enjoy.

Not far from the coastline to the north, there are a small canyon as deep as 8 meters with a flat base, ideal for your first time to learn scuba diving. Another unique place is the location of the wreck, you can explore the remains of an old tanker that sank many years ago in the depths of the sea.

Photo credits - tjhinn & Ria Qorina Lubis

Thousand Islands, Jakarta
This unique area made up of hundreds of small islands (hence so exaggerated 'Thousand Islands'), is a must for divers from Jakarta. Of the various islands, some of the famous Big Island kotok, kotok Island Small, Coral Hunchback, Sepa Island and Island Pantara.

Pulau Seribu is easy to achieve, you just need to hire a speedboat from Marina or boat fishing from one of the ports. Only about one or two hours from Jakarta, you will be able to dive as much. Some of the larger islands provide better accommodation class resorts and villas, but you need to rent a boat to reach the small islands - where the reefs are beautiful!

Photo credits - Gage Batubara

Karimun Java, Central Java
Another part of the Java Sea which is also a paradise for divers is an island across the sea from Semarang, Central Java. This place, called Karimun Java, is a series of 27 small island surrounded by sea which is rich in blue coral Acropora group. Divers can explore the remains of Indonour, an ancient merchant ship which sank in 1955. Additional treat here is the variety of sea turtle that hatched in the park of nature protection.

Photo credits - degi

Derawan Island, East Kalimantan
About 50 miles from Cape Redeb, Berau regency, East Kalimantan, an area that includes the small islands. This place is filled with a cluster of spectacular coral and underwater caves for the adventurous traveler. Derawan has more than 17 dive sites, each site has its own unique attractions for you to enjoy. Some places are famous Charitable Island, and Island Kakaban Maratua.

Charitable Island you can find eagle rays, manta rays, tiger sharks and cuttlefish. Every night you can see the giant green turtle eggs hatch on the island. Kakaban main attraction is the salt water lake inhabited by a jellyfish that did not sting and gobies. While on the island Maratua, you'll find plenty of large fish like barracuda, tuna and mackerel. Tourists even had time to see sharks and hammerheads to eight species of whales here.

Photo credits - smulan77 & thejerk

Komodo Island, Flores
The island is usually known for being a playground for the dragons, giant lizard species. For scuba diving, Komodo Island also has a number of the best dive sites in the country. From Sebayour Small, Small and Middle Island Red Beach offers a variety of underwater attractions as diverse mackerel, cod and grouper.

At Red Beach, not far from the beach, you'll find a 5-meter full derivation of colorful fish. There are more dive sites on the coast such as the western part of Flores Island, Tatawa, Tatawa Small Island, Rinca Island and the island of Nusa Node.

Photo credits - Saylow's & whitecat-singapore

Nusa Penida, Bali
Nusa Penida Island, located in eastern Bali, is a famous location for local and international divers. About an hour from Bali, the island has some very healthy group of coral, which is clearly visible at depths of 15 to 30 meters.

For beginners, trdapat various dive sites in the east coast of this island are suitable to be explored. On the south coast there is Blue Corner, Nusa Lembongan and Gamat, more appropriate for experienced divers who are looking for a challenge. Fish are often seen in the sun while manta birostris Crystal Bay is a common sight at Manta Point.

Photo credits - naturemandala & Erwin Kodiat

Bunaken, North Sulawesi
This place is famous dive sites that have an international reputation is better than the other, consisting of small islands such as Pulau Sialdoen, Ganga, Mantehage, Nine and an old mountain in the middle of the sea, Manado Tua. Snorkeling and
diving is very popular here with more than sixteen point dive spread across an area of islands. Bunaken has grooves as deep as 30 feet, housing a variety of species of fish and other marine life. Shark sightings are common, so be careful!

Photo credits - CW_Ye

Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi
Still in North Sulawesi, there are other icons of the world diving, Lembeh Strait. This location is renowned internationally as the diversity of marine life that exists only in the place. Here you will be able to find the mimic octopus, pygmy seahorses, cuttlefish, and hairy frogfish. This place is a paradise for underwater photography and is often called the "Qiblah of Macro Photography." After all remain vigilant, the beauty of the Lembeh Strait is for experienced divers.

Title: Beautiful Sea in Indonesia
Source: http://id-tourism.blogspot.com/

Delighted at Bantimurung

Geographically Bantimurung tourist attraction has an area of 6619.11 km2 Entering reach this region, we will be greeted by a large gate with a giant butterfly, followed by a jumbo-sized statue of an ape. This indicates Bantimurung is the original habitat of butterflies and monkeys.

Photo credits - TEMPO Zulkarnain

Waterfalls falling slowly through the rock from a height of 15 meters and a width of 20 meters presents a unique natural feel. In addition to beautiful natural scenery, waterfalls are also used by visitors for bathing activities or just to feel the splash of cool mountain water.

In the vicinity of the waterfall, there is a basin-basin of the river commonly utilized visitors to swim. On the left there is a waterfall tour road and permanent seating that lined the road with a river, canal from the waterfall. Usually visitors who come simply to capture a panoramic picture waterfall. To the right of the waterfall, there is a fairly flat area to gather with family to hold a mat while enjoying the scenery. Visitors can also sit under shady trees or bathing in waterfalls.

Photo credits - TEMPO/Ayu Ambong

Bantimurung Nature Park is generally wavy to hilly. Limestone rock forming the steep hills on either side of river. Flat region located in the south, where the presence of waterfalls and ponds. Other flat area that has quite interesting panorama is located in the northern part of nature tourism park, can be reached through the path of a waterfall. Vegetation contained in Bantimurung Nature Park is a mountainous rain forest type dominated by family Liniaceae, among others; pink rain (Eugenia sp), jabon (Anthocepalus cadamba), pala-pala (Mangifera sp), palm (Arenga pinnata), centana (Pterocarpus indicus) and others.

Photo credits - TEMPO Zulkarnain

Besides enjoying the charm of Bantimurung waterfall, there are other attractions around the region that dream cave and cave rocks. Goa Dreams is one of the mainstream. Inside the cave are stalactites (the stone reliefs that formed from water droplets and suspended over the ceiling cave) with a collection of beautiful crystals. Bening and able to reflect light. All around the lamp is lit so that beautify the atmosphere in the cave. This is what makes it a cave called a dream because when he was in it, as though we are in a dream.

To get to the Batu Cave stamina required of the prime even though the manager had made the steps as high as 10 meters. Travels quite a distance and could only be reached by walking about 20 minutes. But after arriving, all the fatigue soon paid off with beautiful scenery and a small waterfall that is so beautiful. Not to mention the beauty inside the cave with stalactite and stalagmite 30 meters down the hall.

Photo credits - TEMPO Zulkarnain

In 1856 - 1857, Alfred Russel Wallace spent most of his life in Indonesia to examine the various types of butterflies, including the butterfly Bantimurung. According to Wallace, Bantimurung is The Kingdom of Butterfly because it found a variety of rare butterfly species which are rarely found in other areas. Various species of butterflies found in the region, among others, from family Saturnidae, Nocturnidae, Spingidae and Nyphalidae. Butterfly species according to experts exist only on Bantimurung Nature Park. According Matimu (1977) and Ahmad (1998) in National Park Management Plan Book Bantimurung-Bulusaraung (2006), there are 103 species of butterflies are found there, and distribution of commercial species of butterflies such as Papilio blumei Troides haliptron and are the two types endemic species that have very narrow distribution, which is only in forested habitat on the riverside.

To keep the butterfly from extinction, local governments create breeding in this location, and of course the main attraction for tourists who visit. In addition to breeding, there is also a butterfly museum as information and data center butterflies that live in the wild Bantimurung. Before you go home do not forget to buy souvenirs Bantimurung beautiful butterflies that have been preserved in a glass frame with the amount varied. By-by can be displayed on the walls of the house as a memorial and a sign that you've visited the "Kingdom of Butterflies" at Bantimurung.

Photo credits - TEMPO Rully Kesuma

To enjoy the coolness and beauty Bantimurung, visitors only need to pay a ticket levy of IDR 5000 for adult and IDR 3500 for children. For those of you who want to linger here, available lodging facility with a price range between IDR 40,000 to IDR 60,000 plus television facilities in it. (Crush $ 1 = IRD 9150)

Congratulations slammed in Bantimurung moodiness!

Title: Delighted at Bantimurung
Source: http://id-tourism.blogspot.com/

Heaven in Bulukumba

Memories of it still feels sticky in my mind. At that time, in 1993, I along with my friends one force in the Department of Mechanical Engineering Hasanuddin Makassar exotic trips to the beach located at the southern tip of South Sulawesi province, precisely in the District Bonto Bahari, Bulukumba.

Photo credits - Tempo/Fahmi Ali

Our entourage set off by renting a bus from Makassar. Bira beach is located about 40 km from City Bulukumba, or 200 km from Makassar. The journey from Makassar to the City Bulukumba can be reached using public transportation such as cars Kijang, Panther or Innova at a rate of USD 35 thousand. Furthermore, from the City Bulukumba to Tanjung Bira can be reached by car pete-pete (microbus) with rates ranging between USD $1. Total travel time from Makassar to Tanjung Bira around 3.5 to 4 hours. The entrance fee to the location of USD 5000/orang Bira Beach. Schedule flight to Makassar from the big cities in Indonesia quite often, so it is not difficult if you're interested in visiting this tropical paradise at Bulukumba.

Once there, I immediately felt the warmth of the beach. The smell of the exhaled sea breezes and white sand beaches, clean and soft like flour instantly made me fall in love at first sight on the beach destinations of foreign and local tourists to this holiday.

Photo credits - Tempo/Fahmi Ali

As evening approached, together with my friends, I play ball on the white sand accompanied sunlight that slowly fade into place peraduannya. The beauty of twilight that was stunning from the coast where we stand. I chuckle in awe watching the stunning natural beauty. In the distance, the sun sink slowly menyemburatkan orange light is refracted out at the expanse of sea. Saw two fishing boats sailing in the distance, the more increase the contrast of beauty.

Tanjung Bira Beach tourist area has various facilities such as restaurants, lodging, villas, bungalows, and hotels with rates starting from USD $11 d to $65.5 per day. In this place there are also diving and snorkeling equipment rental rates to USD 3.3 For visitors who completed a swim at the beach, provided the public bathrooms and fresh water to clean the sand and sea water are still stuck in the body.

For visitors who want to tour around beaches, bike rentals available rates to USD $7. In coastal areas there are also the ferry port are ready to take visitors who want to travel to the island Selayar submarine.

At night, I do not spend time enjoying the night at Blue Beach with down it barefoot. The sensation feels different when dilangkahkan feet above the soft sand while enjoying the waves hit the beach. After that we stopped at a restaurant, and there we ate voraciously seductive dinner dishes, grilled fish and seafood dish typical Bulukumba.

In the morning, when the sun friendly greeting and a bright light bouncing in the clear blue sea, I was immediately tempted to swim and spend more time enjoying the charm of this paradise in Bulukumba. Some of my friends chose to dive and see the beauty of coral reefs all over the coastline this Bira. It is very pleasant!

Well, you are also interested to enjoy the charm of this exotic beach?

Title: Heaven in Bulukumba
Source: http://id-tourism.blogspot.com/

Central Java Grand Mosque

When you visit Hyderabad, time to stop in Central Java Grand Mosque which is famous for its architectural beauty and splendor. Located in Jalan Gajah Raya, precisely in the Village Sambirejo, Gayamsari District, the city of Semarang. Phenomenal Mosque which was inaugurated by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on November 14, 2006, was built in 2001 and can accommodate no less than 15 thousand people. When inaugurated, the President signed the stone inscriptions as high as 3.2 m and weighing 7.8 tons, located in front of the mosque. The inscription is made of natural stone that comes from the slopes of Mount Merapi.

Photo credits - Ceppi Prihadi

Mosque complex consists of an area of 7669 m2 main building and courtyard area of 7,500 m2. Unique blend of Javanese architecture, the Middle East and Rome reflected slick from the mosque which is also the attractions of integrated educational, religious, educational centers, and centers of Islamic syiar activity. Just look at the ornaments on the bottom of the pole mosque use motif like tumpal, untu stinky, kawung, and machete-parangan.

There are six giant hydraulic umbrella that can open and close automatically, adopted from the Prophet's Mosque in Medina City. When the umbrella in the courtyard is developed, it will be able to accommodate more pilgrims, at least half of the capacity of mosques. On the walls of the mosque contained a carved beautiful calligraphy. Ornaments nuances of Italian architecture was also touch on some parts of the mosque. The main building of the dome roof, fitted on the outside four minarets (towers) which pointed to the sky tower

Photo credits - Ceppi Prihadi

A replica of a giant drum made by the students Mangunsari Alfalah Islamic School, Jatilawang, Banyumas, West Java, also adorn the mosque. Not only that, you also can find a giant Koran (Mushaf Al Akbar) measuring 145 x 95 cm Hayatuddin handwritten work, a calligrapher from the University of Science and Science Al-qur `an from Wonosobo, Central Java.

Around the mosque there are other supporting buildings, among them: the auditorium on the right wing side of the mosque that can accommodate approximately 2000 people. The auditorium is usually used for exhibitions, weddings and other activities. Left wing of the mosque there is a library and office space for rent to the public. In addition, there are also various kinds of entertainment facilities such as water fountains, children's playground, and train a rabbit that can deliver visitors revolves around the mosque complex.

Photo credits - Ceppi Prihadi

One of the privileges of this mosque is the tower Asmaul Husna (Al Husna Tower) with a height of 99 m. Tower can be seen from a radius of 5 km, is located at the southwest corner of the mosque. In this tower, visitors can enjoy views of the city of Semarang, including passing a passing ship and docked at the Port of Tanjung Emas through binoculars view available. Oh yes, if you want to use these binoculars have to pay rent USD 5000. As for the ride to the Tower, subject to ticket USD 3000/orang (between the hours of 08:00 to 17:30) and rose to Rp 4000/orang (17:30 to 21:00 hours). In this tower, exactly on the 18th floor also features Muslim Cafe. What is interesting is the cafe floor can rotate 360 degrees for 15 minutes so you can enjoy the charm of the city of Semarang range of heights while eating food.

To enter the area of this beautiful mosque was not charged. Please enjoy the exoticism of the mosque in Central Java community pride is by exploring every corner. You'll pass magnificent gate called Al Qanathir. The gate that has a 25 pole as a symbol of the prophet in Islam as a supervising people. At the gate, there are two sentences Iafaz calligraphy carvings creed.

To get to the mosque, it only takes about 15 minutes travel time from the square of Semarang. If riding a motorcycle speed between 40-60 km / hour, you only takes about 15 minutes. Or distance is about 800 meters from the Soekarno-Hatta Arterial Road which is the way the protocol.

Congratulations religious tour to the Grand Mosque of Central Java!

Title: Central Java Grand Mosque
Source: http://id-tourism.blogspot.com

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